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Last active July 17, 2024 03:21
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C++ code to merge two trees with duplicate child node's. This can be used to merge two config files in yaml world.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace std;
* Tree's node structure to store config 'name', 'value' and 'childNodes' for sub keys.
class Node {
string name;
string value;
vector<Node*> childNodes;
Node(string _name, string _value) {
name = _name;
value = _value;
childNodes = {};
* Renders the visual representation of tree.
void render_tree(Node* node, string prefix = "", bool isLast = true)
if( node != nullptr )
cout << prefix;
cout << (!isLast ? "├──" : "└──" );
// print the value of the node
cout << node->name << " (" << node->value << ")" << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < node->childNodes.size(); i++) {
render_tree(node->childNodes[i], prefix + (!isLast ? "│ " : " "), (i == (node->childNodes.size() - 1)));
* TODO: check for scope of optimizations
Node* merge_tree_by_key(Node* t1, Node* t2) { // Time Complexity: O(N^2), Space Complexity: O(N^2)
1. Go through each node 'key' from t1 and find matching node in t2.
2. Merge the matched node's 'value' if not null (base condition)
3. If having child nodes, repeat step-1 OR ELSE return
4. Add the remaining nodes from 't2'
// Base Condition
if(t1 == nullptr)
return t2;
if(t2 == nullptr)
return t1;
// Process: merge content of nodes
t1->value = t2->value;
unordered_map<string, int> mpp1;
// Recursive calls for matching keys
for(int i = 0; i < t1->childNodes.size(); i++) { // Time Complexity: O(N), Space Complexity: O(N)
1. For 't1' nodes, store mapping of 'key' and its occurence. Eg. {A -> 1}
2. When the same key appears 2nd time, we'll increment its value. Eg. {A -> 2}
3. We'll use this occurence value to find the nth occurence of same key in 't2'.
4. If no match found, we'll keep the original node as it is.
5. If a match is found, we'll merge the 2nd 'A' from both 't1' and 't2'.
mpp1[t1->childNodes[i]->name] += 1;
unordered_map<string, int> mpp2;
for(int j = 0; j < t2->childNodes.size(); j++) { // Time Complexity: O(N), Space Complexity: O(N)
mpp2[t2->childNodes[j]->name] += 1;
if(t1->childNodes[i]->name == t2->childNodes[j]->name && mpp1[t1->childNodes[i]->name] == mpp2[t2->childNodes[j]->name]) {
t1->childNodes[i] = merge_tree_by_key(t1->childNodes[i], t2->childNodes[j]);
// For remaining nodes of 't2'
unordered_map<string, int> mpp3; // For count of 't2' keys
for(auto it: t2->childNodes) { // Time Complexity: O(N), Space Complexity: O(N)
mpp3[it->name] += 1;
if(mpp3[it->name] > mpp1[it->name]) {
return t1;
int main() {
// 't1' -> global config structure
Node* t1 = new Node("env", "base");
Node* a = new Node("name", "some name");
a->childNodes.push_back(new Node("metadata", "some metadata"));
Node* x = new Node("image", "common_payment_app_image");
x->childNodes.push_back(new Node("registry", ""));
t1->childNodes.push_back(new Node("port", "0000"));
t1->childNodes.push_back(new Node("name", "sample_module"));
t1->childNodes.push_back(new Node("kind", "Pod"));
t1->childNodes.push_back(new Node("port", "27017"));
t1->childNodes.push_back(new Node("max_connection", "4"));
cout << "\nTree-1:\n";
// 't2' -> local config structure
Node* t2 = new Node("env", "Staging");
Node* a2 = new Node("name", "payment_app");
a2->childNodes.push_back(new Node("metadata", "payment-app metadata"));
a2->childNodes.push_back(new Node("apiVersion", "v1.0"));
t2->childNodes.push_back(new Node("internalEndpoint", ""));
t2->childNodes.push_back(new Node("port", "8080"));
t2->childNodes.push_back(new Node("name", "core_payment_module"));
t2->childNodes.push_back(new Node("port", "9000"));
cout << "\nTree-2:\n";
Node* ans = merge_tree_by_key(t1, t2);
cout << "\nResult Tree:\n";
return 0;
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