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Last active September 16, 2024 22:42
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Tree Style Tab: Sliding sidebar / pinned + active tabs

Firefox pretty sliding sidebar / pinned / active tab theme for Tree Style Tab


  • Auto-sliding draw for TST
  • Leaves 'pinned' and 'active' tabs visible in standard browser chrome
  • Leaves 'last-active' tabs visible for 3 minutes after becoming inactive
  • Where an active tab is pinned, leaves 'last-active' tab (x1) visible for 1hr



  1. Choose: (Hamburger menu) -> 'Customize' - Switch 'Title bar': off - also 'Drag space': off
  2. Browse to URL "about:config" - set toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets: true
  3. Browse to URL "about:profiles" - Select 'Profile in use' -> 'Root Directory' -> 'Show in Finder' (Mac) - Save userChrome.css under ${Root Directory}/chrome/ (you may need to create this directory) - restart the browser
  4. Install Tree Style Tab
  5. Browse to URL: "about:addons" - Select 'Tree Style Tab' -> 'Preferences' tab -> 'Extra style rules for sidebar contents' - paste in the content from tree-style-tabs-theme.css
:root {
/* This value should be updated here and in the userChrome.css */
--tst-sidepanel-hide-delay: 1s;
/* Hide border on tab bar, force its state to 'scroll', adjust margin-left for width of scrollbar. */
#tabbar {
border: 0;
scrollbar-width: none;
overflow: scroll !important;
margin-top: 0 !important;
/* resolve extra space for scrollbar (scrollbar is hidden by this script) */
.on-scrollbar-area #tabbar {
--shift-tabs-for-scrollbar-distance: 0px;
/* Include 'reveal' animation ... stagers by level */
#tabbar .tab {
transition: 0.1s margin-top, 0.2s 0.1s visibility;
#tabbar tab-item-substance {
transition: 0.2s 0.1s margin-left;
/* delay transitions on open */
#tabbar:not(:hover) tab-item-substance {
transition-delay: var(--tst-sidepanel-hide-delay);
margin-left: 0;
/* animate twisty reveal */
#tabbar .tab .twisty {
transition: 0.2s margin;
/* general tabs */
.tab {
background-color: transparent;
.tab.pinned {
height: 2.8em;
/* Push tab labels slightly to the right so they're completely hidden in collapsed state, but still look fine while expanded. */
.tab .label {
margin-left: 1em;
/* fix closebox */
.tab .closebox {
margin-left: 0;
.tab .counter {
margin-left: auto;
display: inline-block !important;
/* Hide .twisty and adjust margins so favicons have 7px on left. */
#tabbar:not(:hover) .tab .twisty {
visibility: hidden;
margin-left: -12px;
transition-delay: var(--tst-sidepanel-hide-delay);
/* hide closebox unless needed */
.tab:not(:hover) .closebox {
visibility: hidden;
/* Hide sound playing/muted button. */
.sound-button {
margin-left: 0;
display: inline-block;
visibility: collapse;
} .sound-button {
visibility: visible;
margin-left: 0.25em;
.tab:not([data-child-ids]) .counter {
/* visibility: hidden; */
tab-item:not(.subtree-collapsed) .counter {
visibility: hidden;
/* Hide 'new tab' button. */
.newtab-button {
display: none;
/* active tab */ {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05) !important;
} .highlighter::before {
background-color: #fffd !important;
.tab:hover, {
background-color: inherit;
} .label {
font-weight: bold;
color: #f4f4f4 !important;
.tab .label, .label {
border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;
.tab:hover .label, .label {
border-bottom: 1px dotted;
min-width: 0 !important;
flex-shrink: 1 !important;
flex-grow: unset !important;
/* pending / unloaded tabs */
.tab.discarded {
background-color: #1d1d1d;
.tab.discarded .label {
color: #efefefCC !important;
.tab.discarded:hover .label {
color: #efefef !important;
/* Adjust style for tab that has sound playing. */
.tab.sound-playing .favicon::after,
.tab.muted .favicon::after {
content: '🔊';
z-index: var(--favicon-base-z-index);
position: absolute;
font-size: 0.5em;
bottom: -0.35em;
right: -0.7em;
/* Adjust style for tab that is muted. */
.tab.muted .favicon::after {
content: '🔇';
/* Pinned tabs: */
/* Hide all non-active pinned tabs (these are included in top-bar instead) */
.tab.pinned {
position: relative;
max-width: none;
width: auto;
top: 0 !important;
left: 0 !important;
.tab.pinned:not(.active) {
display: none;
.tab.pinned .label,
.tab.pinned .label-content {
opacity: 1;
position: unset;
padding-bottom: 0;
.tab.pinned .sound-button {
position: relative;
transform: none;
.tab.pinned .twisty {
display: block;
min-width: none;
width: auto;
Firefox `userChrome.css` for Tree Style Tab
* Auto-sliding draw for TST
* Leaves 'pinned' and 'active' tabs visible in standard browser chrome
* Leaves 'last-active' tabs visible for 3 minutes after becoming inactive
* Where an active tab is pinned, leaves 'last-active' tab (x1) visible for 1hr
1. Choose: (Hamburger menu) -> 'Customize'
- Switch 'Title bar': off
- also 'Drag space': off
2. Browse to URL "about:config"
- set `toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets`: true
3. Browse to URL "about:profiles"
- Select 'Profile in use' -> 'Root Directory' -> 'Show in Finder' (Mac)
- Save this file under `chrome/userChrome.css`
- restart the browser
4. Install Tree Style Tab
5. Browse to URL: "about:addons"
- Select 'Tree Style Tab' -> 'Preferences' tab -> 'Extra style rules for sidebar contents'
- paste in content from `tree-style-tabs-theme.css`
See step 2. above to update `{profile root dir}/chrome/userChrome.css`
:root {
--thin-tab-width: 30px;
--wide-tab-width: 300px;
--inactive-tab-hide-delay: 180s;
/* This value should be updated here and in the tree-style-tabs-theme.css */
--tst-sidepanel-hide-delay: 1s;
/* where active tab is pinned, delays hiding of 'last-active' inactive tab for 1hr */
.tabbrowser-tab[pinned][selected] ~ .tabbrowser-tab[fadein]:not([pinned]) {
transition-duration: 0s !important;
transition-property: width, visibility, min-width, -moz-box-flex !important;
transition-delay: 3600s !important; /* = 1hr, adjust seconds to increase / decrease visibility */
/* hides all non-active tabs */
.tabbrowser-tab[fadein]:not([pinned]):not([selected]):not([customizing]):not([tabdrop-samewindow][style*="translate"]) {
visibility: hidden;
overflow: hidden;
min-width: 0 !important;
-moz-box-flex: 0 !important;
flex-grow: unset !important; /* required since v113 */
padding: 0 !important;
/* waits 60 seconds before hiding inactive tabs */
.tabbrowser-tab[fadein]:not([pinned]):not([customizing]):not([tabdrop-samewindow][style*="translate"]) {
min-width: 0 !important;
transition-property: min-width, max-width, width, visibility !important;
transition-duration: 0.4s !important; /* slide shut */
transition-delay: var(--inactive-tab-hide-delay) !important; /* wait X seconds before hiding inactive tabs | 0 = immediate */
/* shows active tabs immediately */
.tabbrowser-tab[fadein][selected]:not([pinned]):not([customizing]):not([tabdrop-samewindow][style*="translate"]) {
min-width: var(--tab-min-width) !important;
width: var(--tab-min-width) !important;
transition-duration: 0s !important; /* = immediate */
transition-delay: 0s !important; /* = immediate */
/* Sidebar sliding auto-reveal */
/* Sidebar min and max width removal */
#sidebar {
max-width: none !important;
min-width: 0px !important;
/* Hide splitter */
#sidebar-box[sidebarcommand="treestyletab_piro_sakura_ne_jp-sidebar-action"] + #sidebar-splitter {
display: none !important;
/* Hide sidebar header */
#sidebar-box[sidebarcommand="treestyletab_piro_sakura_ne_jp-sidebar-action"] #sidebar-header {
visibility: collapse;
/* Shrink sidebar until hovered */
#sidebar-box:not([sidebarcommand="treestyletab_piro_sakura_ne_jp-sidebar-action"]) {
min-width: var(--wide-tab-width) !important;
max-width: none !important;
#sidebar-box[sidebarcommand="treestyletab_piro_sakura_ne_jp-sidebar-action"] {
overflow: hidden !important;
position: relative !important;
transition: all 0.2s var(--tst-sidepanel-hide-delay) !important;
min-width: var(--thin-tab-width) !important;
max-width: var(--thin-tab-width) !important;
z-index: 2;
#sidebar-box[sidebarcommand="treestyletab_piro_sakura_ne_jp-sidebar-action"] #sidebar {
transition-delay: 0s !important;
min-width: var(--wide-tab-width) !important;
max-width: var(--wide-tab-width) !important;
z-index: 1;
#sidebar-box[sidebarcommand="treestyletab_piro_sakura_ne_jp-sidebar-action"]:hover {
margin-right: calc((var(--wide-tab-width) - var(--thin-tab-width)) * -1) !important;
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Hi @PalanixYT you "should" be able to get it working by updating tree-style-tabs-theme.css ... the current version just overrides TST's margins. I'd probably be looking at how the indent plugin is indenting (margins, transforms, etc.) and override these values instead. You can find instructions on how to debug firefox extension UI here:

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Thanks a lot for the help and quick reply! I'll look at it later this day. When I'm done I'll ofc share

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Thanks a lot @theprojectsomething ! I finally figured out how to do it.
For anyone interested:
tab-item ::part(indent-line) { --indent-line-color-active: rgba(0,0,0,0); } :root:hover tab-item:not(.pinned):not(.collapsed) ::part(indent-line) { background-image: var(--indent-line-highlighted), var(--indent-line); --indent-line-color-active: rgb(255,255,255); --indent-line-opacity: 1; }
This is mostly fine (although the animations don't work properly, I don't know how to adjust the transition-delay but it's not too noticable). The part I missed was this ::part() thing.
Again, Thanks a lot for the help!

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Awesome @PalanixYT, thanks for the share - glad you were able to sort it

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I have noticed that when there are too many tabs (about one more than fits on the sidebar) then all elements will be pushed slightly to the right and the subtabs no longer align to the edge

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Thanks @PalanixYT hadn't noticed this! Will drop in a fix as soon as I get a chance

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I have found that by enabling the option "Shift tabs only when the mouse cursor is near the scrollbar" (in the Appearance section) then the issue goes away.

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Also, for anyone on Linux:
If you can't drag the tabs you have to set widget.gtk.ignore-bogus-leave-notify to 1 until the bug is fixed.

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I generally really like this chrome.css and theme.css.

How do you stop it from partially hidng tabs at the top? I feel like with how aggressive the userchrome.css is with hiding unused tabs there is little need to try and minimize the tab size.

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