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python-xlib example which reacts to changing the active window
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""python-xlib example which reacts to changing the active window/title.
- Python
- python-xlib
Tested with Python 2.x because my Kubuntu 14.04 doesn't come with python-xlib
for Python 3.x.
Any modern window manager that isn't horrendously broken maintains an X11
property on the root window named _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW.
Any modern application toolkit presents the window title via a property
named _NET_WM_NAME.
This listens for changes to both of them and then hides duplicate events
so it only reacts to title changes once.
Known Bugs:
- Under some circumstances, I observed that the first window creation and last
window deletion on on an empty desktop (ie. not even a taskbar/panel) would
go ignored when using this test setup:
Xephyr :3 &
DISPLAY=:3 openbox &
DISPLAY=:3 python3
# ...and then launch one or more of these in other terminals
DISPLAY=:3 leafpad
# pylint: disable=unused-import
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union # noqa
from Xlib import X
from Xlib.display import Display
from Xlib.error import XError
from Xlib.xobject.drawable import Window
from Xlib.protocol.rq import Event
# Connect to the X server and get the root window
disp = Display()
root = disp.screen().root
# Prepare the property names we use so they can be fed into X11 APIs
NET_WM_NAME = disp.intern_atom('_NET_WM_NAME') # UTF-8
WM_NAME = disp.intern_atom('WM_NAME') # Legacy encoding
last_seen = {'xid': None, 'title': None} # type: Dict[str, Any]
def window_obj(win_id: Optional[int]) -> Window:
"""Simplify dealing with BadWindow (make it either valid or None)"""
window_obj = None
if win_id:
window_obj = disp.create_resource_object('window', win_id)
except XError:
yield window_obj
def get_active_window() -> Tuple[Optional[int], bool]:
"""Return a (window_obj, focus_has_changed) tuple for the active window."""
response = root.get_full_property(NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW,
if not response:
return None, False
win_id = response.value[0]
focus_changed = (win_id != last_seen['xid'])
if focus_changed:
with window_obj(last_seen['xid']) as old_win:
if old_win:
last_seen['xid'] = win_id
with window_obj(win_id) as new_win:
if new_win:
return win_id, focus_changed
def _get_window_name_inner(win_obj: Window) -> str:
"""Simplify dealing with _NET_WM_NAME (UTF-8) vs. WM_NAME (legacy)"""
for atom in (NET_WM_NAME, WM_NAME):
window_name = win_obj.get_full_property(atom, 0)
except UnicodeDecodeError: # Apparently a Debian distro package bug
title = "<could not decode characters>"
if window_name:
win_name = window_name.value # type: Union[str, bytes]
if isinstance(win_name, bytes):
# Apparently COMPOUND_TEXT is so arcane that this is how
# tools like xprop deal with receiving it these days
win_name = win_name.decode('latin1', 'replace')
return win_name
title = "<unnamed window>"
return "{} (XID: {})".format(title,
def get_window_name(win_id: Optional[int]) -> Tuple[Optional[str], bool]:
"""Look up the window name for a given X11 window ID"""
if not win_id:
last_seen['title'] = None
return last_seen['title'], True
title_changed = False
with window_obj(win_id) as wobj:
if wobj:
win_title = _get_window_name_inner(wobj)
except XError:
title_changed = (win_title != last_seen['title'])
last_seen['title'] = win_title
return last_seen['title'], title_changed
def handle_xevent(event: Event):
"""Handler for X events which ignores anything but focus/title change"""
if event.type != X.PropertyNotify:
changed = False
if event.atom == NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW:
if get_active_window()[1]:
get_window_name(last_seen['xid']) # Rely on the side-effects
changed = True
elif event.atom in (NET_WM_NAME, WM_NAME):
changed = changed or get_window_name(last_seen['xid'])[1]
if changed:
def handle_change(new_state: dict):
"""Replace this with whatever you want to actually do"""
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Listen for _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW changes
# Prime last_seen with whatever window was active when we started this
while True: # next_event() sleeps until we get an event
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ehula commented May 11, 2020

@ssokolow I just noticed another peculiarity in my particular situation. I am wanting to run your script when I start X, but I found that if there are no windows open when your script is run, it exits. Is there a way to have it run and stay open even if there are no windows currently open. The script continues to run if I close all the open windows, so it seems to only be sensitive to no windows open on launch.

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get_active_window() was coded with the assumption that there will always exist an active window that the Window Manager has placed in the _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW property and it crashes if the root.get_full_property call on line 52 returns None.

I've rewritten the code to account for that, added some MyPy type annotations, and fixed a couple of oversights revealed by that as well as a potential bug that showed up during testing. Let me know if you have any further problems.

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ehula commented May 12, 2020

So far it's working just great! Thanks a bunch!

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Wonderful implementation, thank you for the detailed comments!

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veasnama commented Apr 15, 2021

Does anyone know how to turn code above into rust code ? this is what I did.

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::error::Error;

use x11rb::connection::Connection;

use x11rb::protocol::xproto::{Atom, AtomEnum, ConnectionExt, GetPropertyReply, Window};

use x11rb::protocol::Event;
use x11rb::x11_utils::TryParse;
use x11rb::xcb_ffi::XCBConnection;

fn find_active_window(
conn: &impl Connection,
root: Window,
net_active_window: Atom,
hash_map: &mut HashMap<&str, Option>,
) -> Result<(Window, bool), Box> {
let window: Window = AtomEnum::ANY.into();
let active_window = conn
.get_property(false, root, net_active_window, window, 0, 1)?
if active_window.format == 32 && active_window.length == 1 {
// Things will be so much easier with the next release:
let widnow_id = u32::try_parse(&active_window.value)?.0;
let focus_changed = widnow_id != hash_map["xid"].unwrap();
hash_map.insert("xid", Some(widnow_id));
Ok((u32::try_parse(&active_window.value)?.0, focus_changed))
} else {
// Query the input focus
Ok((conn.get_input_focus()?.reply()?.focus, false))
fn parse_string_property(property: &GetPropertyReply) -> &str {
std::str::from_utf8(&property.value).unwrap_or("Invalid utf8")
fn parse_wm_class(property: &GetPropertyReply) -> (&str, &str) {
if property.format != 8 {
return (
"Malformed property: wrong format",
"Malformed property: wrong format",
let value = &property.value;
// The property should contain two null-terminated strings. Find them.
if let Some(middle) = value.iter().position(|&b| b == 0) {
let (instance, class) = value.split_at(middle);
// Skip the null byte at the beginning
let mut class = &class[1..];
// Remove the last null byte from the class, if it is there.
if class.last() == Some(&0) {
class = &class[..class.len() - 1];
let instance = std::str::from_utf8(instance);
let class = std::str::from_utf8(class);
instance.unwrap_or("Invalid utf8"),
class.unwrap_or("Invalid utf8"),
} else {
("Missing null byte", "Missing null byte")

pub fn start() -> Result<(), Box> {
let mut last_seen = HashMap::new();
last_seen.insert("xid", Some(10000000));
// Set up our state
let (conn, screen) = XCBConnection::connect(None)?;
let root = conn.setup().roots[screen].root;
let net_activate_win = conn.intern_atom(false, b"_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW").unwrap();
let net_wm_name = conn.intern_atom(false, b"_NET_WM_NAME").unwrap();
let utf8_string = conn.intern_atom(false, b"UTF8_STRING").unwrap();
let net_activate_win = net_activate_win.reply().unwrap().atom;
let net_wm_name = net_wm_name.reply().unwrap().atom;
let utf8_string = utf8_string.reply().unwrap().atom;
let (focus, _) = find_active_window(&conn, root, net_activate_win, &mut last_seen)?;
println!("XID {:?}", focus);
// Collect the replies to the atoms
let (net_wm_name, utf8_string) = (net_wm_name, utf8_string);
let (wm_class, string): (AtomEnum, AtomEnum) =
(AtomEnum::WM_CLASS.into(), AtomEnum::STRING.into());
// Get the property from the window that we need
let name = conn.get_property(false, focus, net_wm_name, utf8_string, 0, u32::max_value())?;
let class = conn.get_property(false, focus, wm_class, string, 0, u32::max_value())?;
let (name, class) = (name.reply()?, class.reply()?);
println!("Window name: {:?}", parse_string_property(&name));
let (instance, class) = parse_wm_class(&class);
println!("Window instance: {:?}", instance);
println!("Window class: {:?}", class);
// Print out the result

loop {
    match conn.wait_for_event() {
        Ok(event) => match event {
            Event::PropertyNotify(e) => {
                println!("Event: {:?}", e);
            _ => {}
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),


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ShayBox commented May 16, 2021

You should package the main into its own function and have a callback so this can be used fully as a lib instead of modifying it, it can be used directly as a submodule/its own dependency

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@ShayBox The problem is that, when you start to think about how to integrate it into programs which may already have an Xlib connection for other purposes, it's not as simple to offer it up structured that way. Unnecessarily pushing a program to open more X sockets is a code smell.

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vednig commented Dec 18, 2021

Can it react to change in position rather than title?

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@vednig I've never tried it, so I can't be sure. What you want to do is check xprop's output to identify a property you can listen for changes to.

_NET_WM_OPAQUE_REGION looks appealing, but it's actually an optimization hint that not all applications set (eg. Firefox does but FeatherPad doesn't).

Since you just need to detect change without directly parsing what you're listening on, I'd suggest watching WM_NORMAL_HINTS.

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QiangF commented Jul 15, 2022

Is anybody interested in make a script to save and restore window layout?
I have a feature request on another project

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