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Created October 11, 2022 13:01
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Application Comparer

  • App A: /Users/rolf/work/maccore/main/xamarin-macios/tests/dotnet/MySimpleApp/iOS/bin/Debug/net6.0-ios/ios-arm64/
  • App B: /Users/rolf/work/maccore/whatever/xamarin-macios/tests/dotnet/MySimpleApp/iOS/bin/Debug/net6.0-ios/ios-arm64/
Files Size A Size B diff %
_CodeSignature/CodeResources 34.883 37.587 2.704 7,8%
archived-expanded-entitlements.xcent 384 384 0 0,0%
embedded.mobileprovision 16.349 16.349 0 0,0%
icudt.dat 2.176.304 2.176.304 0 0,0%
Info.plist 874 935 61 7,0%
Microsoft.iOS.aotdata.arm64 488.664 495.736 7.072 1,4%
Microsoft.iOS.dll 260.096 263.680 3.584 1,4%
Microsoft.Win32.Primitives.aotdata.arm64 38.560 38.560 0 0,0%
Microsoft.Win32.Primitives.dll 6.656 6.656 0 0,0%
Microsoft.Win32.Registry.aotdata.arm64 1.832 1.832 0 0,0%
Microsoft.Win32.Registry.dll 9.728 9.728 0 0,0%
MonoTouch.Dialog.aotdata.arm64 165.632 165.632 0 0,0%
MonoTouch.Dialog.dll 91.648 91.648 0 0,0%
MonoTouch.Dialog.pdb 53.140 53.144 4 0,0%
MonoTouchDebugConfiguration.txt 29 29 0 0,0%
MySimpleApp 24.364.192 26.579.840 2.215.648 9,1%
MySimpleApp.aotdata.arm64 912 912 0 0,0%
MySimpleApp.dll 4.608 4.608 0 0,0%
MySimpleApp.pdb 13.264 13.268 4 0,0%
netstandard.aotdata.arm64 496 496 0 0,0%
netstandard.dll 11.776 11.776 0 0,0%
nunit.framework.aotdata.arm64 1.279.296 1.279.296 0 0,0%
nunit.framework.dll 391.168 391.168 0 0,0%
nunitlite.aotdata.arm64 128.144 128.144 0 0,0%
nunitlite.dll 82.944 82.944 0 0,0%
PkgInfo 8 8 0 0,0%
runtimeconfig.bin 921 921 0 0,0%
Settings.bundle/Root.plist 474 474 0 0,0%
System.aotdata.arm64 496 496 0 0,0%
System.Collections.aotdata.arm64 28.560 82.592 54.032 189,2%
System.Collections.Concurrent.aotdata.arm64 44.528 44.752 224 0,5%
System.Collections.Concurrent.dll 28.160 28.160 0 0,0%
System.Collections.dll 20.992 24.576 3.584 17,1%
System.Collections.NonGeneric.aotdata.arm64 10.944 10.944 0 0,0%
System.Collections.NonGeneric.dll 18.944 18.944 0 0,0%
System.Collections.Specialized.aotdata.arm64 4.984 4.984 0 0,0%
System.Collections.Specialized.dll 12.288 12.288 0 0,0%
System.ComponentModel.aotdata.arm64 512 512 0 0,0%
System.ComponentModel.dll 4.096 4.096 0 0,0%
System.ComponentModel.Primitives.aotdata.arm64 3.912 3.912 0 0,0%
System.ComponentModel.Primitives.dll 11.264 11.264 0 0,0%
System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.aotdata.arm64 81.712 81.712 0 0,0%
System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll 84.480 84.480 0 0,0%
System.Console.aotdata.arm64 57.568 57.576 8 0,0%
System.Console.dll 19.456 19.456 0 0,0%
System.Diagnostics.Process.aotdata.arm64 68.768 68.768 0 0,0%
System.Diagnostics.Process.dll 27.136 27.136 0 0,0%
System.Diagnostics.TraceSource.aotdata.arm64 3.608 3.608 0 0,0%
System.Diagnostics.TraceSource.dll 8.704 8.704 0 0,0%
System.dll 4.096 4.096 0 0,0%
System.Formats.Asn1.aotdata.arm64 0 160.216 160.216 -
System.Formats.Asn1.dll 0 51.200 51.200 -
System.Linq.aotdata.arm64 84.176 84.176 0 0,0%
System.Linq.dll 24.576 24.576 0 0,0%
System.Linq.Expressions.aotdata.arm64 1.463.336 1.465.200 1.864 0,1%
System.Linq.Expressions.dll 286.720 286.720 0 0,0%
System.Net.Http.aotdata.arm64 299.136 299.136 0 0,0%
System.Net.Http.dll 135.680 135.680 0 0,0%
System.Net.NameResolution.aotdata.arm64 50.752 50.752 0 0,0%
System.Net.NameResolution.dll 16.384 16.384 0 0,0%
System.Net.Primitives.aotdata.arm64 95.744 95.840 96 0,1%
System.Net.Primitives.dll 34.304 34.816 512 1,5%
System.Net.Requests.aotdata.arm64 864 864 0 0,0%
System.Net.Requests.dll 14.336 14.336 0 0,0%
System.Net.Security.aotdata.arm64 704 704 0 0,0%
System.Net.Security.dll 20.480 20.480 0 0,0%
System.Net.ServicePoint.aotdata.arm64 4.296 4.296 0 0,0%
System.Net.ServicePoint.dll 5.632 5.632 0 0,0%
System.Net.Sockets.aotdata.arm64 291.192 291.296 104 0,0%
System.Net.Sockets.dll 102.912 102.912 0 0,0%
System.ObjectModel.aotdata.arm64 18.600 18.600 0 0,0%
System.ObjectModel.dll 11.776 11.776 0 0,0%
System.Private.CoreLib.aotdata.arm64 3.375.824 3.393.544 17.720 0,5%
System.Private.CoreLib.dll 1.819.136 1.826.816 7.680 0,4%
System.Private.Uri.aotdata.arm64 143.904 143.904 0 0,0%
System.Private.Uri.dll 68.608 68.608 0 0,0%
System.Private.Xml.aotdata.arm64 1.561.792 1.564.992 3.200 0,2%
System.Private.Xml.dll 1.249.280 1.249.280 0 0,0%
System.Runtime.aotdata.arm64 504 504 0 0,0%
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.aotdata.arm64 1.248 1.248 0 0,0%
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll 2.560 2.560 0 0,0%
System.Runtime.dll 8.192 8.192 0 0,0%
System.Runtime.InteropServices.aotdata.arm64 520 520 0 0,0%
System.Runtime.InteropServices.dll 7.680 7.680 0 0,0%
System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.aotdata.arm64 36.896 36.896 0 0,0%
System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.dll 7.168 7.168 0 0,0%
System.Runtime.Numerics.aotdata.arm64 0 117.544 117.544 -
System.Runtime.Numerics.dll 0 39.424 39.424 -
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.aotdata.arm64 4.952 4.952 0 0,0%
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.dll 15.360 15.360 0 0,0%
System.Security.Claims.aotdata.arm64 11.792 11.792 0 0,0%
System.Security.Claims.dll 13.824 13.824 0 0,0%
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms.aotdata.arm64 49.880 173.592 123.712 248,0%
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms.dll 27.136 90.624 63.488 234,0%
System.Security.Cryptography.Csp.aotdata.arm64 40.296 43.568 3.272 8,1%
System.Security.Cryptography.Csp.dll 10.240 10.240 0 0,0%
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding.aotdata.arm64 0 87.672 87.672 -
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding.dll 0 33.792 33.792 -
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives.aotdata.arm64 2.344 61.072 58.728 2.505,5%
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives.dll 10.240 18.944 8.704 85,0%
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.aotdata.arm64 0 410.824 410.824 -
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.dll 0 148.992 148.992 -
System.Security.Principal.Windows.aotdata.arm64 752 752 0 0,0%
System.Security.Principal.Windows.dll 8.192 8.192 0 0,0%
System.Text.RegularExpressions.aotdata.arm64 298.264 298.320 56 0,0%
System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll 112.128 112.128 0 0,0%
System.Threading.aotdata.arm64 1.896 1.896 0 0,0%
System.Threading.dll 13.312 13.312 0 0,0%
System.Threading.Thread.aotdata.arm64 512 512 0 0,0%
System.Threading.Thread.dll 4.608 4.608 0 0,0%
System.Threading.ThreadPool.aotdata.arm64 512 512 0 0,0%
System.Threading.ThreadPool.dll 4.608 4.608 0 0,0%
Touch.Client.aotdata.arm64 401.360 401.360 0 0,0%
Touch.Client.dll 86.016 86.016 0 0,0%
Touch.Client.pdb 41.316 41.320 4 0,0%
Native 35.015.368 38.277.360 3.261.992 9,3%
    Executable 24.364.192 26.579.840 2.215.648 9,1%
    AOT data 10.651.176 11.697.520 1.046.344 9,8%
Managed *.dll/exe 5.219.328 5.580.288 360.960 6,9%
TOTAL 42.572.642 46.198.371 3.625.729 8,5%

Generated by appcompare

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