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A Haskell program that parses Doodle responses and selects the two best time slots such that as many participants as possible may attend.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, Object, Value (..), eitherDecodeFileStrict, parseJSON, (.:))
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import Data.Hashable
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Time.Calendar (dayOfWeek)
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Format.ISO8601
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Debug.Trace
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
data Day
= Monday
| Tuesday
| Wednesday
| Thursday
| Friday
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Bounded, Enum, Generic, Hashable)
allDays :: [Day]
allDays = [minBound .. maxBound]
numDays :: Int
numDays = fromEnum (maxBound :: Day) - fromEnum (minBound :: Day) + 1
data Hour
= H08
| H09
| H10
| H11
| H12
| H13
| H14
| H15
| H16
| H17
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Bounded, Enum, Generic, Hashable)
allHours :: [Hour]
allHours = [minBound .. maxBound]
numHours :: Int
numHours = fromEnum (maxBound :: Hour) - fromEnum (minBound :: Hour) + 1
data Time = Time Day Hour deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Bounded, Generic, Hashable)
allTimes :: [Time]
allTimes = [Time day hour | day <- allDays, hour <- allHours]
instance Enum Time where
fromEnum (Time d h) = numHours * fromEnum d + fromEnum h
toEnum i = Time (toEnum $ (i `div` numHours) `rem` numDays) (toEnum $ i `rem` numHours)
data Person = Person
{ name :: String
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Hashable)
data PersonNode = PersonNode
{ person :: Person
, attending :: HashSet Time
deriving (Show)
data TimeNode = TimeNode
{ time :: Time
, attendees :: HashSet Person
deriving (Show)
data BiGraph = BiGraph
{ people :: HashMap Person PersonNode
, times :: HashMap Time TimeNode
deriving (Show)
emptyGraph :: BiGraph
emptyGraph = BiGraph (HashMap.empty) (HashMap.empty)
newPersonNode :: Person -> PersonNode
newPersonNode p = PersonNode p HashSet.empty
newTimeNode :: Time -> TimeNode
newTimeNode t = TimeNode t HashSet.empty
addPerson :: Person -> BiGraph -> BiGraph
addPerson p g@BiGraph{people}
| HashMap.member p people = g
| otherwise = g{people = people'}
people' = HashMap.insert p (newPersonNode p) people
removePerson :: Person -> BiGraph -> BiGraph
removePerson p g@BiGraph{..}
| not (HashMap.member p people) = g
| otherwise = g{people = people', times = times'}
attendances = maybe [] (HashSet.toList . attending) (HashMap.lookup p people)
people' = HashMap.delete p people
times' = foldr (HashMap.update removeAttendee) times attendances
removeAttendee tn@TimeNode{..} = Just $ tn{attendees = HashSet.delete p attendees}
addTime :: Time -> BiGraph -> BiGraph
addTime t g@BiGraph{times}
| HashMap.member t times = g
| otherwise = g{times = times'}
times' = HashMap.insert t (newTimeNode t) times
removeTime :: Time -> BiGraph -> BiGraph
removeTime t g@BiGraph{..}
| not (HashMap.member t times) = g
| otherwise = g{people = people', times = times'}
attendees' = maybe [] (HashSet.toList . attendees) (HashMap.lookup t times)
times' = HashMap.delete t times
people' = foldr (HashMap.update removeAttendance) people attendees'
removeAttendance pn@PersonNode{..} = Just $ pn{attending = HashSet.delete t attending}
addAttendance :: (Person, Time) -> BiGraph -> BiGraph
addAttendance (p, t) g = do
{ people = HashMap.adjust addAttending p $ people g'
, times = HashMap.adjust addAttendee t $ times g'
g' = (addPerson p . addTime t) g
addAttending n@PersonNode{attending} = n{attending = HashSet.insert t attending}
addAttendee n@TimeNode{attendees} = n{attendees = HashSet.insert p attendees}
data Participant = Participant
{ participantName :: String
, participantVotes :: [Vote]
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON Participant where
parseJSON (Object v) =
<$> v .: "name"
<*> v .: "votes"
parseJSON _ = mempty
data Vote = Vote
{ voteOptionId :: String
, voteType :: VoteType
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON Vote where
parseJSON (Object v) =
<$> v .: "optionId"
<*> v .: "type"
parseJSON _ = mempty
data VoteType = Yes | No | Maybe deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance FromJSON VoteType where
parseJSON (String "YES") = return Yes
parseJSON (String "NO") = return No
parseJSON (String "IF_NEED_BE") = return Maybe
parseJSON _ = mempty
newtype Participants = Participants {participants :: [Participant]} deriving (Show, Generic, FromJSON)
data Option = Option
{ optionId :: String
, optionTime :: Time
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON Option where
parseJSON (Object v) =
<$> v .: "id"
<*> v .: "startAt"
parseJSON _ = mempty
instance FromJSON Time where
parseJSON (String s) = do
utcTime <- iso8601ParseM $ Text.unpack s
let cest = TimeZone 120 True "CEST"
let LocalTime{localDay, localTimeOfDay} = utcToLocalTime cest utcTime
let day = toEnum $ fromEnum (dayOfWeek localDay) - 1
let hour = toEnum $ todHour localTimeOfDay - 8
return $ Time day hour
parseJSON _ = mempty
newtype Options = Options {options :: HashMap String Time} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON Main.Options where
parseJSON (Object v) = do
options :: [Option] <- v .: "options"
return $
{ options = HashMap.fromList $ (\Option{..} -> (optionId, optionTime)) <$> options
parseJSON _ = mempty
participantToPerson :: Participant -> Person
participantToPerson Participant{..} =
{ name = participantName
voteToTime :: Vote -> HashMap String Time -> Maybe Time
voteToTime Vote{..} options = HashMap.lookup voteOptionId options
chooseTime :: Time -> BiGraph -> (BiGraph, [Person])
chooseTime t g@BiGraph{..} = (g', attendees')
attendees' = maybe [] (HashSet.toList . attendees) (HashMap.lookup t times)
g' = foldr removePerson (removeTime t g) attendees'
data Result = Result
{ t1 :: Time
, t2 :: Time
, p1 :: [Person]
, p2 :: [Person]
, missing :: [Person]
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Result where
show Result{..} =
unlines $
[show t1 <> ": " <> show n1 <> " attendees"]
++ names p1
++ [show t2 <> ": " <> show n2 <> " attendees"]
++ names p2
++ [show total <> " total attendees, " <> show n3 <> " missing"]
++ names missing
total = n1 + n2
(n1, n2, n3) = (length p1, length p2, length missing)
names ps = (" " <>) <$> show <$> sort ps
score :: Result -> Int
score Result{..} = total ^ 2 - delta
(n1, n2) = (length p1, length p2)
total = n1 + n2
delta = abs $ n1 - n2
instance Ord Result where
compare r1 r2 = compare (score r1) (score r2)
main :: IO ()
main = do
Participants participants <- either error id <$> eitherDecodeFileStrict "./participants.json"
Options options <- either error id <$> eitherDecodeFileStrict "./options.json"
let attendances =
[ (person, time)
| p <- participants
, let person = participantToPerson p
, v <- participantVotes p
, voteType v /= No
, let Just time = voteToTime v options
let g = foldr addAttendance emptyGraph attendances
let result =
[ Result t1 t2 p1 p2 missing
| t1 <- allTimes
, t2 <- allTimes
, t2 /= t1
, let (g1, p1) = chooseTime t1 g
, let (g2, p2) = chooseTime t2 g1
, let missing = HashMap.keys $ people g2
print result
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