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Matt Menzenski menzenski

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usr-ein / Dockerfile
Last active September 12, 2024 13:50
Optimal multistaged Dockerfile for poetry
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
# Keep this syntax directive! It's used to enable Docker BuildKit
# Based on
# but I try to keep it updated (see history)
# Sets up all our shared environment variables
nodefortytwo / dazn-manifest330-schema.json
Created February 23, 2022 11:19
DAZN Manifest Public 330 Schema
"$schema": "",
"$id": "",
"title": "dazn-manifest",
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"description": "A YAML file which describes the contents of a code repository in a machine readable format.",
"properties": {
"dazn-manifest": {
"title": "version",
ChristopherA /
Last active October 7, 2024 02:57
Brew Bundle Brewfile Tips

Brew Bundle Brewfile Tips

Copyright & License

Unless otherwise noted (either in this file or in a file's copyright section) the contents of this gist are Copyright ©️2020 by Christopher Allen, and are shared under spdx:Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International (CC-BY-SA-4.) open-source license.


If you more tips and advice like these, you can become a monthly patron on my GitHub Sponsor Page for as little as $5 a month; and your contributions will be multipled, as GitHub is matching the first $5,000! This gist is all about Homebrew, so if you like it you can support it by donating to them or becoming one of their Github Sponsors.

jgontrum /
Created August 29, 2019 12:21
import os
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
import requests
from jose import jwt, jwk
from jose.utils import base64url_decode
JWK = Dict[str, str]
JWKS = Dict[str, List[JWK]]
stefanthoss /
Created June 19, 2019 22:16
Export/import a PySpark schema to/from a JSON file
import json
from pyspark.sql.types import *
# Define the schema
schema = StructType(
[StructField("name", StringType(), True), StructField("age", IntegerType(), True)]
# Write the schema
with open("schema.json", "w") as f:
title date tags categories
How to get started to build your own Spacemacs
2018-10-12 12:59

I have been a Vim user for quite a while. I love it, so the very first thing when I set up a new server is installing VIM. I heard a lot about Emacs and tried it. It's better at almost everything except text editing. So I stayed with Vim until Spacemacs was released. The Vim key bindings of Spacemacs is so excellent that I switched.

However, Spacemacs has its problem: boots up slowly and crashes frequently. Upgrading packages became very challenging. Finally, I have to use the develop branch because the master branch is not working anymore. People began to complain and requested to speed up the release from the master branch. Considering its dependencies and numerous open issues, I have no hope for this.

magicdude4eva / zsh-syntax-highlighting paste performance improvement
Last active September 4, 2024 03:41
zsh-syntax-highlighting paste performance improvement
Add the following in .zshrc:
plugins=(osx git zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-nvm docker kubectl)
### Fix slowness of pastes with zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh
pasteinit() {
zle -N self-insert url-quote-magic # I wonder if you'd need `.url-quote-magic`?
mohanpedala /
Last active October 6, 2024 09:36
set -e, -u, -o, -x pipefail explanation
clrcrl / test_unnest_delimited_list.sql
Last active February 4, 2023 04:59
Macros to unnest arrays
-- this is a model - put it in the models/ directory
WITH nested_table AS (
SELECT 1 AS id, 'a' AS tags
SELECT 2 AS id, 'a, b' AS tags
SELECT 3 AS id, 'c , d' AS tags
SELECT 4 AS id, 'a,b,e' AS tags
shortjared / list.txt
Last active October 2, 2024 19:57
List of AWS Service Principals