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Last active September 13, 2024 02:36
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  • Save awidegreen/6003640 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save awidegreen/6003640 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
systemd definition for pulseaudio in system-mode (example for archlinux). The pulseaudio developers explicitly recommend to NOT run pulseaudo system-mode!
# systemd service spec for pulseaudio running in system mode -- not recommended though!
# on arch, put it under /etc/systemd/system/pulseaudio.service
# start with: systemctl start pulseaudio.service
# enable on boot: systemctl enable pulseaudio.service
Description=Pulseaudio sound server
ExecStart=/usr/bin/pulseaudio --system --disallow-exit --disallow-module-loading
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
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dbinfl commented Aug 26, 2021

Hello! I have a server with 3 VMs that I want to have sound-enabled. In particular I wanted the VM running my music server to start on boot, and with sound enabled. The audio part of that solution evaded me until I found your post. I i implemented it as described, except for using a different account, and it works beautifully.


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lacrimal commented Sep 4, 2024

As im trying to do something with this there is a problem with "8 NOT NEEDED: Assure that pulseaudio socket is accessible by any user" it looks like /run/user/1041/pulse is 700 it is restored after daemon restart.

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