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pl-copyfiles – Copies media files from M3U playlists to a destination folder, keeping folder structure and file attributes. Avoids unneeded copying.
# pl-copyfiles
# Copies media files from M3U playlists to a destination folder,
# keeping folder structure and file attributes.
# Can use .m3u, .m3u8 (or actually any text file containing a newline-
# separated list of files) with absolute or relative file paths,
# both simple (one line per file) and #EXTM3U formats.
# Files will only be copied when needed (newer, changed).
# If multiple playlists are specified and the same file exists in more
# than one playlist, it will only be copied ONCE, saving time and
# transfer volume. (Thinking of mounted remote folders!)
# For safety reasons, files outside the specified base folder will NOT
# be copied.
# You can use this to
# - copy your favourite music to a USB stick
# - copy selected tracks/albums to a synced (Syncthing) folder
# - copy music from playlists to a mounted remote web radio station
# folder to ensure the remote station can actually play all files
# (AzuraCast: Simply mount your station's media folder via SFTP)
# chmod +x this script and save somewhere handy so it's in the path,
# like in ~/bin, ~/.local/bin, or /usr/local/bin.
# 2023-08-17 Matthias C. Hormann a.k.a. Moonbase59
# - v0.2 -- much more robust and flexible version of
# 2023-08-18 -- v0.3
# - first public (Gist) release
# 2023-08-18 -- v0.3.1
# - updated some comments
# 2023-08-19 -- v0.4
# - Fix sed sometimes not finding extremely obscure playlist file names.
# - Display of relative/absolute playlist file paths now dependent on -q switch.
# - Use pushd, popd when changing directories to resolve file paths.
# - Add note about URL-esaped 'file://' and 'http://', 'https://' links in help.
# 2023-08-19 -- v0.5
# - Add experimental URL decoding and removing of 'file://' (-u option).
# - Add warning in help to use this ony when really needed ('%'/'+' problem).
# - Playlist entries starting with any scheme like 'http://', 'https://',
# 'ftp://', 'sftp://', ... will now silently be removed (for the transfer,
# not from the original M3U file). Makes no sense to generate extra errors.
# 2023-08-19 -- v0.6
# - Heavy rework of URL decoding: Will now only try this if the file path
# contains patterns '%00'..'%FF' (case-insensitive). -u must still be used.
# - Playlist entries starting with schemes like 'http://', 'https://', 'ftp://',
# 'sftp://' and the like will be skipped.
# - We will try to find files for 'file://'-type playlist entries. This usually
# (not always) requires URL-decoding, use -u, --urldecode to enable.
# - It is now checked if media files actually exist. If not, they're skipped.
# - Some optimization for more speed, since extra processing slowed us down.
# 2023-08-20 -- v0.7
# - URL-decoding is now automatic, no -u, --urldecode anymore.
# - Reworked playlist file cleanup before transfer: MUCH faster and more robust,
# works on whole playlist files now, instead on a line-by-line basis.
# This brought processing time for 131,170 media files in 39 playlists back
# from 32 to 12 minutes, on a live Internet connection via mounted SFTP folder
# to a remote AzuraCast station. No glitches or missing files found, although
# I DO have file paths that include ' " % + and other usually avoided characters.
# - Massive amounts of testing, especially for my elaborate sed syntax.
# 2023-08-20 -- v0.7.1
# - Minor change in help text.
# define me
me=$(basename "$0")
# Location of music folder (we won't transfer anything outside this).
# Use -b [FOLDER], --base [FOLDER] options to change.
# If not using the system default folder, you can specify something else
# like "/mnt/Music" here. Use no trailing slash!
MUSICFOLDER="$(xdg-user-dir MUSIC)"
# Destination folder is here (use no trailing slash).
# Use -d [FOLDER], --destination [FOLDER] options to set.
# If this doesn't exist, rsync will create it for you.
# (Default) list of playlists to copy files from.
# Use no characters illegal in filenames!
# Don’t forget the backslash \ at the end of the lines!
# Example:
# "1970's Rock.m3u" \
# '12" Vinyls only.m3u' \
# 'Kuschelrock.m3u' \
# 'Night Soul.m3u' \
# 'テスト.m3u' \
# )
# Default to verbose (not quiet, use -q, --quiet to change)
# This is so we don't miss file transfers & errors on slow connections.
# Set IFS to process newline-separated output
# option handling using GNU getopt
VALID_ARGS=$(getopt -o b:d:hqV \
--long base:,destination:,help,quiet,version -- "$@")
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
exit 1;
eval set -- "$VALID_ARGS"
while [ : ]; do
case "$1" in
-b | --base)
MUSICFOLDER=${2:-$(xdg-user-dir MUSIC)}
shift 2
-d | --destination)
shift 2
-h | --help)
echo """
Copies media files from M3U playlists to a destination folder,
keeping folder structure and file attributes. Avoids unneeded copying.
-h, --help Show this help.
-V, --version Show version number.
-b, --base Set base music folder to which everything will be
referenced. Nothing outside this folder will be copied.
-d, --destination Set destination folder for copying. Will be created
if it doesn't exist. This MUST be specified.
-q, --quiet Be less verbose (will not list every file copied).
At least one playlist must be specified. You can use globbing ('*.m3u').
Use quoting as appropriate, like for 'Names with spaces'.
To use a playlist whose name starts with a '-', use this command:
$me [OPTIONS] -- '- Playlist starting with a dash.m3u'
Can use .m3u, .m3u8 (or actually any text file containing a newline-
separated list of files) with absolute or relative file paths,
both simple (one line per file) and #EXTM3U formats.
Files will only be copied when needed (newer, changed).
If multiple playlists are specified and the same file exists in more
than one playlist, it will only be copied ONCE, saving time and
transfer volume. (Thinking of mounted remote folders!)
For safety reasons, files outside the specified base folder will NOT
be copied.
$me WILL try to handle 'file://' URLs and URL-decoding.
Windows relative file paths containing backslashes '\' can be used,
provided the playlist file's character set is ASCII or UTF-8.
You can use 'iconv' or 'recode' to convert these to UTF-8, if needed.
Media files that can't be found will produce an error message, but not
break the process -- they'll be simply ignored.
$me CANNOT handle 'http://', 'https://', 'ftp://', 'sftp://', ...
entries in playlists. Such entries will be silently skipped.
Usage examples:
- Copy your favourite music to a USB stick.
- Copy selected tracks/albums to a synced (Syncthing) folder.
- Copy music from playlists to a mounted remote web radio station
folder to ensure the remote station actually has all files to play.
- Update a radio station's Auto-DJ with new songs.
Report issues at:
exit 1
-q | --quiet)
-V | --version)
echo "$me $version"
exit 1
--) shift;
# Commandline args overrule the built-in default array of playlists.
# Use "pl-copyfiles 'Nuit électronique.m3u' 'Classic Rock.m3u' ...".
if [ "$1" != "" ] ; then
while [ "$1" != "" ] ; do
# Check if realpath installed
command -v realpath >/dev/null 2>&1 && HAVE_REALPATH=true || HAVE_REALPATH=false
if [[ "$HAVE_REALPATH" != true ]] ; then
echo >&2 "$me: requires 'realpath' but it's not installed. Aborting."
exit 2
# Check if base music folder exists and is readable.
# Note: As opposed to -b folder and --base folder,
# getopt -bfolder and --base=folder will NOT do shell expansion ('~' etc.)!
# So we do a little magic: let a subshell do the expansion by echoing the echo...
# This will prevent "not found" errors on the if [ ! -r "$MUSICFOLDER" ] below.
MUSICFOLDER=$(echo "echo $MUSICFOLDER" | bash)
# make it an absolute path, for later comparison
if [ ! -r "$MUSICFOLDER" ] ; then
echo "$me: Base folder '$MUSICFOLDER' doesn't exist or isn't readable!" >&2
exit 1
#echo "Base: $MUSICFOLDER"
# Check if a destination was specified
DESTINATION=$(echo "echo $DESTINATION" | bash)
if [ -z "$DESTINATION" ] ; then
echo "$me: Use -d or --destination to specify a copy destination!" >&2
exit 1
# Destination cannot be the same as the base music folder --
# this would overwrite our original music files!
# Destination might not yet exist, so use "realpath -m".
if [ "$DESTINATION" = "$MUSICFOLDER" ] ; then
echo "$me: Destination can't be the same as the base path, this would overwrite original files!" >&2
exit 1
#echo "Destination: $DESTINATION"
# use temp files to clean #EXTM3U files
for playlist in ${PLAYLISTS[@]} ; do
[ "$VERBOSE" = true ] && echo
# reset TMPFILE to size 0
truncate -s 0 -- "$TMPFILE"
# Get real path of playlist (user might have given relative path).
# No need for fancy expansion tricks here, shell has done it for us already.
playlist=$(realpath "$playlist")
# Brute-force playlist file conversion (MUCH faster than doing it file-by-file!):
# First sed (needs -E for extended regexes):
# - Delete all lines starting with '#' (comments, #EXTM3U).
# - Change all (Windows) '\' to '/' to make Windows M3Us with relative paths work;
# this will fail if the character set isn't UTF-8. Use iconv or recode to convert.
# - If line doesn't contain URL-encoded data (%00..%FF), we're finished here
# and "branch" (skip to end of sed commands). This protects file paths natively
# containing '+' or '%' characters, which would otherwise be messed up.
# - Else start URL-decoding: change all '+' to ' ', then
# - change all '%hh' to '\xhh' (hex hh).
# printf '%b\n' (takes 1st sed's output):
# - Convert 1st sed output's '\xhh' values to readable characters again (like echo -e).
# Second sed (takes converted input from printf; needs -E for extended regexes):
# - Remove 'file://' schema (rest of line might contain usable file).
# - Delete all lines that begin with other schemas, and are unusable for us:
# 'http://', 'https://', 'ftp://', 'sftp://', 'davs://', ...
# 2>/dev/null: Hides unwanted error messages from printf.
# We use "mapfile" which isn't too portable but should work on all modern bashes.
# Must use process substitution here (returns a file descriptor), piping won't work.
# This builds us the 'files' array.
2>/dev/null mapfile -t files < <( \
printf '%b\n' \
$(sed -E '/^#/d; s/\\/\//g; /%([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/!b; s/\+/ /g; s/%([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/\\x\1/g;' -- "$playlist") | \
sed -E 's/^file:\/\///g; /^[-+.[:alnum:]]+:\/\//d;' )
# Hop into the playlist folder, for relative paths conversion, save cwd.
# Need to hide the stack list.
pushd $(dirname -- "$playlist") > /dev/null
# Convert paths relative to music folder.
for file in ${files[@]} ; do
# Does the file exist and is readable?
if [ -r "$file" ] ; then
# realpath will give an error and produce an empty output line
# if the file is not found (may happen with non-current playlists).
echo "$(realpath --relative-to="$MUSICFOLDER" -- "$file")" >> "$TMPFILE"
[ $? -ne 0 ] && errors=$(( $errors + 1 ))
echo "$me: File not found: '$file'" >&2
errors=$(( $errors + 1 ))
# Go back to where we were so script doesn't get confused
# checking the next playlist (might have been relative from user's cwd)
# Need to hide the stack list.
popd > /dev/null
# remove empty lines left from possible realpath "not found" errors
# sorting and avoiding dups makes rsync more efficient
sed '/^$/d;' "$TMPFILE" | sort | uniq > "$TMPFILE2"
# count real number of files
count="$(wc -l < "$TMPFILE2")"
# Show the playlist and how much we got before transfer
if [ "$VERBOSE" = true ] ; then
# show absolute path
echo "Playlist '$playlist' ($count) ..."
# show relative path, starting at user's current working directory
echo "Playlist '$(realpath --relative-to "." -- "$playlist")' ($count) ..."
# transfer all files listed in the playlist to DESTINATION
# symlinks will be resolved to copy the real audio file, not the symlink
rsync -arL $RSYNC_OPT --files-from "$TMPFILE2" -- "$MUSICFOLDER/" "${DESTINATION}/"
[ $? -ne 0 ] && errors=$(( $errors + 1 ))
total_playlists=$(( $total_playlists + 1 ))
total_songs=$(( $total_songs + $count ))
echo "$total_playlists playlists, $total_songs tracks total."
if [ $errors -gt 0 ] ; then
echo "$me: $errors errors occurred (see previous errors)" >&2
Copy link

Moonbase59 commented Aug 18, 2023

If you like what you got, please consider to Donate with Paypal. Thank you! ❤️

Self-expanatory, I think. Here’s the help text:

Usage: pl-copyfiles [OPTIONS] [PLAYLIST] [PLAYLIST] ...

Copies media files from M3U playlists to a destination folder,
keeping folder structure and file attributes. Avoids unneeded copying.

  -h, --help         Show this help.
  -V, --version      Show version number.
  -b, --base         Set base music folder to which everything will be
                     referenced. Nothing outside this folder will be copied.
                     (Default: /home/user/Music)
  -d, --destination  Set destination folder for copying. Will be created
                     if it doesn't exist. This MUST be specified.
  -q, --quiet        Be less verbose (will not list every file copied).

  At least one playlist must be specified. You can use globbing ('*.m3u').
  Use quoting as appropriate, like for 'Names with spaces'.

  To use a playlist whose name starts with a '-', use this command:
    pl-copyfiles [OPTIONS] -- '- Playlist starting with a dash.m3u'

  Can use .m3u, .m3u8 (or actually any text file containing a newline-
  separated list of files) with absolute or relative file paths,
  both simple (one line per file) and #EXTM3U formats.
  Files will only be copied when needed (newer, changed).
  If multiple playlists are specified and the same file exists in more
  than one playlist, it will only be copied ONCE, saving time and
  transfer volume. (Thinking of mounted remote folders!)

  For safety reasons, files outside the specified base folder will NOT
  be copied.
  pl-copyfiles WILL try to handle 'file://' URLs and URL-decoding.
  Windows relative file paths containing backslashes '\' can be used,
  provided the playlist file's character set is ASCII or UTF-8.
  You can use 'iconv' or 'recode' to convert these to UTF-8, if needed.
  Media files that can't be found will produce an error message, but not
  break the process -- they'll be simply ignored.

  pl-copyfiles CANNOT handle 'http://', 'https://', 'ftp://', 'sftp://', ...
  entries in playlists. Such entries will be silently skipped.

  Usage examples:
   - Copy your favourite music to a USB stick.
   - Copy selected tracks/albums to a synced (Syncthing) folder.
   - Copy music from playlists to a mounted remote web radio station
     folder to ensure the remote station actually has all files to play.
   - Update a radio station's Auto-DJ with new songs.
Report errors at:

Copy link

For the beginnings of this, see AzuraCast/AzuraCast#6512.

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