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Last active June 19, 2022 16:05
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use std::collections::HashMap;
macro_rules! lazy_init {
($(static ref $N:ident : $T:ty = $e:expr;)*) => {
struct $N {__unit__: ()}
static $N: $N = $N {__unit__: ()};
impl Deref<$T> for $N {
fn deref<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a $T {
use std::sync::{Once, ONCE_INIT};
use std::mem::transmute;
fn require_share<T: Share>(_: &T) { }
unsafe {
static mut s: *$T = 0 as *$T;
static mut ONCE: Once = ONCE_INIT;
ONCE.doit(|| {
s = transmute::<Box<$T>, *$T>(box() ($e));
let static_ref = &*s;
lazy_init! {
static ref NUMBER: uint = times_two(3);
static ref VEC: [Box<uint>, ..3] = [box 1, box 2, box 3];
static ref OWNED_STRING: String = "hello".to_string();
static ref HASHMAP: HashMap<uint, &'static str> = {
let mut m = HashMap::new();
m.insert(0u, "abc");
m.insert(1, "def");
m.insert(2, "ghi");
fn times_two(n: uint) -> uint {
n * 2
fn test_basic() {
assert_eq!(OWNED_STRING.as_slice(), "hello");
assert_eq!(*NUMBER, 6);
assert_eq!(VEC.as_slice(), &[box 1, box 2, box 3]);
fn test_repeat() {
assert_eq!(*NUMBER, 6);
assert_eq!(*NUMBER, 6);
assert_eq!(*NUMBER, 6);
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This is only memory-safe if $T satisfy the Share kind, right? Does/could/should this macro enforce Share? (I.e. fail at compile time when it would be unsafe.)

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Kimundi commented May 16, 2014

You're right, I'm currently investigating how to make this safe.

I updated the current code to show how you can do a unsafe mutation of a static, which needs to be prevented.

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Kimundi commented May 16, 2014

I think with the planned-to-be-re-added bounds on structs a phantom type parameter could work:

struct $N<T: Share> { unit: () }
static $N: $N<$T>= $N { unit: () }

EDIT: Adding a fn require_share<T: Share>() works just as well.

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I removed the #[allow(dead_code)] line when integrating this in Servo. I found the dead code warning to be relevant, only showing up when a given static was actually unused.

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Kimundi commented Jun 24, 2014

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