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Last active January 27, 2024 02:34
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Airstream's Split by type macro
import com.raquo.airstream.core.{EventStream, Signal, Observable, BaseObservable}
import scala.quoted.{Expr, Quotes, Type}
object SplittableTypeMacros {
extension [Self[+_] <: Observable[_], I](inline observable: BaseObservable[Self, I]) {
inline def splitMatch: MatchSplitObservable[Self, I, Nothing] = MatchSplitObservable(observable, Nil, Map.empty[Int, Function[Any, Nothing]])
extension [Self[+_] <: Observable[_], I, O](inline matchSplitObservable: MatchSplitObservable[Self, I, O]) {
inline def handleCase[A, B, O1 >: O](inline casePf: PartialFunction[A, B])(inline handleFn: ((B, Signal[B])) => O1) = ${ handleCaseImpl('{ matchSplitObservable }, '{ casePf }, '{ handleFn })}
extension [I, O](inline matchSplitObservable: MatchSplitObservable[Signal, I, O]) {
inline def toSignal: Signal[O] = ${ observableImpl('{ matchSplitObservable })}
extension [I, O](inline matchSplitObservable: MatchSplitObservable[EventStream, I, O]) {
inline def toStream: EventStream[O] = ${ observableImpl('{ matchSplitObservable })}
final case class MatchSplitObservable[Self[+_] <: Observable[_] , I, O] (
observable: BaseObservable[Self, I],
caseList: List[PartialFunction[Any, Any]],
handlerMap: Map[Int, Function[Any, O]]
private def handleCaseImpl[Self[+_] <: Observable[_] : Type, I: Type, O: Type, O1 >: O : Type, A: Type, B: Type](
matchSplitObservableExpr: Expr[MatchSplitObservable[Self, I, O]],
casePfExpr: Expr[PartialFunction[A, B]],
handleFnExpr: Expr[Function[(B, Signal[B]), O1]],
using quotes: Quotes
): Expr[MatchSplitObservable[Self, I, O1]] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
matchSplitObservableExpr match {
case '{ MatchSplitObservable[Self, I, O]($observableExpr, $caseListExpr, $handlerMapExpr)} => innerHandleCaseImpl(observableExpr, caseListExpr, handlerMapExpr, casePfExpr, handleFnExpr)
case other => report.errorAndAbort("Macro expansion failed, please use `splitMatch` instead of creating new MatchSplitObservable explicitly")
private def innerHandleCaseImpl[Self[+_] <: Observable[_] : Type, I: Type, O: Type, O1 >: O : Type, A: Type, B: Type](
observableExpr: Expr[BaseObservable[Self, I]],
caseListExpr: Expr[List[PartialFunction[Any, Any]]],
handlerMapExpr: Expr[Map[Int, Function[Any, O]]],
casePfExpr: Expr[PartialFunction[A, B]],
handleFnExpr: Expr[Function[(B, Signal[B]), O1]]
using quotes: Quotes
): Expr[MatchSplitObservable[Self, I, O1]] = {
val caseExprList = exprOfListToListOfExpr(caseListExpr)
val nextCaseExprList = casePfExpr.asExprOf[PartialFunction[Any, Any]] :: caseExprList
val nextCaseListExpr = listOfExprToExprOfList(nextCaseExprList)
'{ MatchSplitObservable[Self, I, O1]($observableExpr, $nextCaseListExpr, ($handlerMapExpr + ($handlerMapExpr.size -> $handleFnExpr.asInstanceOf[Function[Any, O1]]))) }
private def exprOfListToListOfExpr(
pfListExpr: Expr[List[PartialFunction[Any, Any]]]
using quotes: Quotes
): List[Expr[PartialFunction[Any, Any]]] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
pfListExpr match {
case '{ $headExpr :: (${tailExpr}: List[PartialFunction[Any, Any]]) } =>
headExpr :: exprOfListToListOfExpr(tailExpr)
case '{ Nil } => Nil
case _ => report.errorAndAbort("Macro expansion failed, please use `handleCase` instead of modify MatchSplitObservable explicitly")
private def listOfExprToExprOfList(
pfExprList: List[Expr[PartialFunction[Any, Any]]]
using quotes: Quotes
): Expr[List[PartialFunction[Any, Any]]] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
pfExprList match
case head :: tail => '{ $head :: ${listOfExprToExprOfList(tail)} }
case Nil => '{ Nil }
private def observableImpl[Self[+_] <: Observable[_] : Type, I: Type, O: Type](
matchSplitObservableExpr: Expr[MatchSplitObservable[Self, I, O]]
using quotes: Quotes
): Expr[Self[O]] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
matchSplitObservableExpr match {
case '{ MatchSplitObservable[Self, I, O]($_, Nil, $_)} =>
report.errorAndAbort("Macro expansion failed, need at least one handleCase")
case '{ MatchSplitObservable[Self, I, O]($observableExpr, $caseListExpr, $handlerMapExpr)} =>
.map(i => ${ innerObservableImpl('i, caseListExpr) })
.asInstanceOf[Observable[(Int, Any)]]
ifSignal = _.splitOne(_._1) { case (idx, (_, b), dataSignal) =>
val bSignal =
$handlerMapExpr.apply(idx).apply(b -> bSignal)
ifStream = _.splitOne(_._1) { case (idx, (_, b), dataSignal) =>
val bSignal =
$handlerMapExpr.apply(idx).apply(b -> bSignal)
case _ => report.errorAndAbort("Macro expansion failed, please use `splitMatch` instead of creating new MatchSplitObservable explicitly")
private def innerObservableImpl[I: Type](
iExpr: Expr[I],
caseListExpr: Expr[List[PartialFunction[Any, Any]]]
using quotes: Quotes
): Expr[(Int, Any)] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
val caseExprList = exprOfListToListOfExpr(caseListExpr)
val allCaseDefLists = caseExprList.reverse.zipWithIndex.flatMap { case (caseExpr, idx) =>
caseExpr.asTerm match {
case Block(List(DefDef(_, _, _, Some(Match(_, caseDefList)))), _) => { { caseDef =>
val idxExpr = Expr.apply(idx)
val newRhsExpr = '{ val res = ${caseDef.rhs.asExprOf[Any]}; ($idxExpr, res)}
CaseDef.copy(caseDef)(caseDef.pattern, caseDef.guard, newRhsExpr.asTerm)
case _ => report.errorAndAbort("Macro expansion failed, please use `handleCase` with annonymous partial function")
Match(iExpr.asTerm,[(Int, Any)]
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