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Created June 20, 2024 14:26
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Percent | Source code & Disassembly of for cpu-clock:ppp (385042 samples, percent: local period)
: 3 Disassembly of section .text:
: 5 0000000000000080 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Accumulate(uint64*,uint8*,uint8*,int32,bool,int32)[OptimizedTier1]>:
: 6 void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Accumulate(uint64*,uint8*,uint8*,int32,bool,int32)[OptimizedTier1]():
1.43 : 80: push rbp
0.00 : 81: mov rbp,rsp
0.00 : 84: lea rax,[rdx+0x80]
0.11 : 8b: vmovups ymm0,YMMWORD PTR [rdi]
0.13 : 8f: vmovups ymm1,YMMWORD PTR [rdi+0x20]
0.17 : 94: test r9d,r9d
0.00 : 97: jle 11d <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Accumulate(uint64*,uint8*,uint8*,int32,bool,int32)[OptimizedTier1]+0x9d>
0.00 : 9d: movzx r8d,r8b
1.10 : a1: vmovups ymm2,YMMWORD PTR [rip+0xd7] # 180 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Accumulate(uint64*,uint8*,uint8*,int32,bool,int32)[OptimizedTier1]+0x100>
0.00 : a9: vmovups ymm3,YMMWORD PTR [rip+0xef] # 1a0 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Accumulate(uint64*,uint8*,uint8*,int32,bool,int32)[OptimizedTier1]+0x120>
0.00 : b1: mov r10,rdx
0.00 : b4: test ecx,ecx
0.00 : b6: jle 113 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Accumulate(uint64*,uint8*,uint8*,int32,bool,int32)[OptimizedTier1]+0x93>
0.10 : b8: mov r11d,ecx
0.16 : bb: vmovups ymm4,YMMWORD PTR [r10]
1.42 : c0: vmovups ymm5,YMMWORD PTR [rsi]
0.00 : c4: vpxor ymm4,ymm5,ymm4
1.11 : c8: vpermd ymm6,ymm2,ymm4
2.96 : cd: vpmuludq ymm4,ymm6,ymm4
14.55 : d1: vpermd ymm5,ymm3,ymm5
0.00 : d6: vpaddq ymm0,ymm5,ymm0
1.09 : da: vpaddq ymm0,ymm0,ymm4
12.12 : de: add rsi,0x20
0.85 : e2: vmovups ymm4,YMMWORD PTR [r10+0x20]
0.01 : e8: vmovups ymm5,YMMWORD PTR [rsi]
0.40 : ec: vpxor ymm4,ymm5,ymm4
0.55 : f0: vpermd ymm6,ymm2,ymm4
12.47 : f5: vpmuludq ymm4,ymm6,ymm4
0.05 : f9: vpermd ymm5,ymm3,ymm5
0.66 : fe: vpaddq ymm1,ymm5,ymm1
8.92 : 102: vpaddq ymm1,ymm1,ymm4
38.05 : 106: add rsi,0x20
0.00 : 10a: add r10,0x8
0.00 : 10e: dec r11d
0.00 : 111: jne bb <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Accumulate(uint64*,uint8*,uint8*,int32,bool,int32)[OptimizedTier1]+0x3b>
0.02 : 113: test r8d,r8d
0.00 : 116: jne 12b <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Accumulate(uint64*,uint8*,uint8*,int32,bool,int32)[OptimizedTier1]+0xab>
0.05 : 118: dec r9d
0.00 : 11b: jne b1 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Accumulate(uint64*,uint8*,uint8*,int32,bool,int32)[OptimizedTier1]+0x31>
0.00 : 11d: vmovups YMMWORD PTR [rdi],ymm0
0.13 : 121: vmovups YMMWORD PTR [rdi+0x20],ymm1
0.41 : 126: vzeroupper
0.91 : 129: pop rbp
0.04 : 12a: ret
0.00 : 12b: vmovups ymm4,YMMWORD PTR [rax]
0.00 : 12f: vpsrlq ymm5,ymm0,0x2f
0.00 : 134: vpternlogq ymm0,ymm5,ymm4,0x96
0.00 : 13b: vpmullq ymm0,ymm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0x7b]{1to4} # 1c0 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Accumulate(uint64*,uint8*,uint8*,int32,bool,int32)[OptimizedTier1]+0x140>
0.00 : 145: vmovups ymm4,YMMWORD PTR [rax+0x20]
0.00 : 14a: vpsrlq ymm5,ymm1,0x2f
0.00 : 14f: vpternlogq ymm1,ymm5,ymm4,0x96
0.00 : 156: vpmullq ymm1,ymm1,QWORD PTR [rip+0x60]{1to4} # 1c0 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Accumulate(uint64*,uint8*,uint8*,int32,bool,int32)[OptimizedTier1]+0x140>
0.00 : 160: jmp 118 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Accumulate(uint64*,uint8*,uint8*,int32,bool,int32)[OptimizedTier1]+0x98>
Percent | Source code & Disassembly of for cpu-clock:ppp (113112 samples, percent: local period)
: 3 Disassembly of section .text:
: 5 0000000000000080 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]>:
: 6 void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]():
0.01 : 80: push rbp
0.00 : 81: push r15
0.00 : 83: push r14
0.00 : 85: push r13
0.01 : 87: push r12
0.00 : 89: push rbx
0.00 : 8a: sub rsp,0x68
0.01 : 8e: lea rbp,[rsp+0x90]
0.00 : 96: vxorps xmm8,xmm8,xmm8
0.00 : 9b: vmovdqu YMMWORD PTR [rbp-0x60],ymm8
0.00 : a0: xor eax,eax
0.00 : a2: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x40],rax
0.00 : a6: mov rbx,rdi
0.00 : a9: mov r14,rsi
0.00 : ac: mov r15d,edx
0.00 : af: lea rdx,[rbx+0x8]
0.00 : b3: mov esi,r15d
0.00 : b6: add QWORD PTR [rdx],rsi
0.01 : b9: lea rdx,[rbx+0x120]
0.00 : c0: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x30],rdx
0.00 : c4: mov rdi,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x30]
0.05 : c8: mov r13,rdi
0.00 : cb: mov r12d,DWORD PTR [rbx+0x18]
0.00 : cf: mov edx,r12d
0.00 : d2: neg edx
0.00 : d4: add edx,0x100
0.00 : da: cmp edx,r15d
0.00 : dd: jae 475 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x3f5>
0.00 : e3: lea rdx,[rbx+0x60]
0.00 : e7: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x40],rdx
0.01 : eb: mov rax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x40]
0.02 : ef: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x38],rax
0.01 : f3: lea rdx,[rbx+0x20]
0.00 : f7: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x50],rdx
0.00 : fb: mov r10,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x50]
0.00 : ff: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x48],r10
0.02 : 103: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x60],r14
0.00 : 107: mov r11,r14
0.00 : 10a: mov rsi,r11
0.00 : 10d: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x58],rsi
0.00 : 111: xor r11d,r11d
0.00 : 114: test r12d,r12d
0.00 : 117: jne 376 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x2f6>
0.00 : 11d: mov edx,r15d
0.00 : 120: sub edx,r11d
0.00 : 123: cmp edx,0x400
0.00 : 129: jle 3d9 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x359>
0.00 : 12f: mov edx,r15d
0.00 : 132: sub edx,r11d
0.00 : 135: dec edx
0.00 : 137: movsxd r12,edx
0.00 : 13a: shr r12,0x6
0.00 : 13e: mov rdx,QWORD PTR [rbx]
0.01 : 141: mov r9,rdx
0.00 : 144: neg r9
0.00 : 147: add r9,0x10
0.00 : 14b: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x70],r9
0.00 : 14f: mov edx,DWORD PTR [rbx]
0.00 : 151: shl edx,0x3
0.00 : 154: movsxd rdx,edx
0.00 : 157: add rdx,rax
0.00 : 15a: mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x64],r11d
0.00 : 15e: movsxd rdi,r11d
0.00 : 161: add rsi,rdi
0.00 : 164: mov rdi,r10
0.00 : 167: mov ecx,r9d
0.00 : 16a: xor r8d,r8d
0.00 : 16d: mov r9d,0x1
0.01 : 173: call QWORD PTR [rip+0x120a5f] # 120bd8 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x120b58>
0.00 : 179: mov rax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x38]
0.00 : 17d: lea r10,[rax+0x80]
0.00 : 184: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x78],r10
0.00 : 188: mov r11,r10
0.00 : 18b: mov r9,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x48]
0.00 : 18f: vmovups ymm0,YMMWORD PTR [r9]
0.00 : 194: vmovups ymm1,YMMWORD PTR [r11]
0.01 : 199: vpsrlq ymm2,ymm0,0x2f
0.01 : 19e: vpternlogq ymm0,ymm2,ymm1,0x96
0.00 : 1a5: vpmullq ymm1,ymm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0x2f1]{1to4} # 4a0 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x420>
0.06 : 1af: vmovups YMMWORD PTR [r9],ymm1
0.00 : 1b4: lea r8,[r9+0x20]
0.00 : 1b8: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x80],r8
0.00 : 1bc: mov rsi,r8
0.00 : 1bf: lea rcx,[r11+0x20]
0.00 : 1c3: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x88],rcx
0.00 : 1ca: mov r11,rcx
0.00 : 1cd: vmovups ymm0,YMMWORD PTR [rsi]
0.00 : 1d1: vmovups ymm1,YMMWORD PTR [r11]
0.01 : 1d6: vpsrlq ymm2,ymm0,0x2f
0.00 : 1db: vpternlogq ymm0,ymm2,ymm1,0x96
0.00 : 1e2: vpmullq ymm0,ymm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0x2b4]{1to4} # 4a0 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x420>
0.01 : 1ec: vmovups YMMWORD PTR [rsi],ymm0
0.00 : 1f0: xor esi,esi
0.00 : 1f2: mov QWORD PTR [rbx],rsi
0.00 : 1f5: mov rsi,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x70]
0.00 : 1f9: mov edi,esi
0.00 : 1fb: shl edi,0x6
0.00 : 1fe: mov r11d,edi
0.00 : 201: add r11d,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x64]
0.00 : 205: sub r12,rsi
0.00 : 208: cmp r12,0x10
0.00 : 20c: jb 308 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x288>
3.44 : 212: mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x64],r11d
0.00 : 216: movsxd rsi,r11d
0.00 : 219: add rsi,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x58]
0.00 : 21d: mov rdi,r9
0.02 : 220: mov rdx,rax
0.74 : 223: mov ecx,0x10
0.00 : 228: xor r8d,r8d
0.00 : 22b: mov r9d,0x1
3.37 : 231: call QWORD PTR [rip+0x1209a1] # 120bd8 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x120b58>
0.01 : 237: mov rsi,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x78]
0.04 : 23b: mov rdi,rsi
0.84 : 23e: mov rax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x48]
3.22 : 242: vmovups ymm0,YMMWORD PTR [rax]
0.71 : 246: vmovups ymm1,YMMWORD PTR [rdi]
0.09 : 24a: vpsrlq ymm2,ymm0,0x2f
7.08 : 24f: vpternlogq ymm0,ymm2,ymm1,0x96
4.09 : 256: vpmullq ymm1,ymm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0x240]{1to4} # 4a0 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x420>
46.28 : 260: vmovups YMMWORD PTR [rax],ymm1
4.50 : 264: mov rdx,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x80]
0.01 : 268: mov rcx,rdx
0.00 : 26b: mov r8,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x88]
0.00 : 272: mov rdi,r8
0.02 : 275: vmovups ymm0,YMMWORD PTR [rcx]
0.51 : 279: vmovups ymm1,YMMWORD PTR [rdi]
0.00 : 27d: vpsrlq ymm2,ymm0,0x2f
0.15 : 282: vpternlogq ymm0,ymm2,ymm1,0x96
4.09 : 289: vpmullq ymm0,ymm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0x20d]{1to4} # 4a0 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x420>
15.92 : 293: vmovups YMMWORD PTR [rcx],ymm0
3.79 : 297: mov r10d,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x64]
0.01 : 29b: add r10d,0x400
0.00 : 2a2: add r12,0xfffffffffffffff0
0.00 : 2a6: cmp r12,0x10
0.00 : 2aa: jae 2f9 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x279>
0.00 : 2ac: mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x64],r10d
0.00 : 2b0: movsxd rsi,r10d
0.00 : 2b3: add rsi,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x58]
0.00 : 2b7: mov rdi,rax
0.00 : 2ba: mov rdx,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x38]
0.00 : 2be: mov ecx,r12d
0.00 : 2c1: xor r8d,r8d
0.00 : 2c4: mov r9d,0x1
0.00 : 2ca: call QWORD PTR [rip+0x120908] # 120bd8 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x120b58>
0.00 : 2d0: mov edx,r12d
0.00 : 2d3: shl edx,0x6
0.00 : 2d6: mov r10d,edx
0.00 : 2d9: add r10d,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x64]
0.00 : 2dd: mov eax,r10d
0.00 : 2e0: mov QWORD PTR [rbx],r12
0.00 : 2e3: lea edx,[rax-0x40]
0.00 : 2e6: mov edi,edx
0.00 : 2e8: add rdi,0x40
0.00 : 2ec: mov esi,r15d
0.00 : 2ef: cmp rdi,rsi
0.00 : 2f2: jbe 310 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x290>
0.00 : 2f4: jmp 46e <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x3ee>
0.01 : 2f9: mov r9,rax
0.70 : 2fc: mov r11d,r10d
0.00 : 2ff: mov rax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x38]
0.00 : 303: jmp 212 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x192>
0.00 : 308: mov rax,r9
0.00 : 30b: mov r10d,r11d
0.00 : 30e: jmp 2ac <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x22c>
0.00 : 310: mov edx,edx
0.00 : 312: add rdx,r14
0.00 : 315: lea rdi,[r13+0xc0]
0.00 : 31c: vmovdqu32 zmm0,ZMMWORD PTR [rdx]
0.00 : 322: vmovdqu32 ZMMWORD PTR [rdi],zmm0
0.00 : 328: mov r12d,r15d
0.00 : 32b: sub r12d,eax
0.00 : 32e: js 46e <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x3ee>
0.00 : 334: mov rdi,r13
0.00 : 337: cmp eax,r15d
0.00 : 33a: ja 46e <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x3ee>
0.00 : 340: mov esi,eax
0.00 : 342: add rsi,r14
0.00 : 345: mov edx,r12d
0.00 : 348: call QWORD PTR [rip+0xffffffffff3794ba] # ffffffffff379808 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0xffffffffff379788>
0.00 : 34e: mov DWORD PTR [rbx+0x18],r12d
0.00 : 352: xor edx,edx
0.00 : 354: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x60],rdx
0.00 : 358: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x50],rdx
0.00 : 35c: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x40],rdx
0.00 : 360: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x30],rdx
0.00 : 364: vzeroupper
0.00 : 367: add rsp,0x68
0.01 : 36b: pop rbx
0.00 : 36c: pop r12
0.00 : 36e: pop r13
0.00 : 370: pop r14
0.00 : 372: pop r15
0.00 : 374: pop rbp
0.00 : 375: ret
0.00 : 376: mov ecx,r12d
0.00 : 379: neg ecx
0.00 : 37b: add ecx,0x100
0.00 : 381: mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x68],ecx
0.00 : 384: mov edi,r12d
0.00 : 387: add rdi,r13
0.00 : 38a: test ecx,ecx
0.00 : 38c: jl 46e <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x3ee>
0.00 : 392: mov edx,ecx
0.00 : 394: mov rsi,r14
0.00 : 397: call QWORD PTR [rip+0xffffffffff37946b] # ffffffffff379808 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0xffffffffff379788>
0.00 : 39d: mov r12d,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x68]
0.00 : 3a1: mov rdi,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x48]
0.00 : 3a5: mov rsi,rbx
0.00 : 3a8: mov r9,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x38]
0.00 : 3ac: mov rcx,r13
0.00 : 3af: mov edx,0x10
0.00 : 3b4: mov r8d,0x4
0.00 : 3ba: call QWORD PTR [rip+0x1206f8] # 120ab8 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x120a38>
0.00 : 3c0: xor ecx,ecx
0.00 : 3c2: mov DWORD PTR [rbx+0x18],ecx
0.00 : 3c5: mov r11d,r12d
0.00 : 3c8: mov rax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x38]
0.00 : 3cc: mov rsi,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x58]
0.00 : 3d0: mov r10,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x48]
0.00 : 3d4: jmp 11d <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x9d>
0.00 : 3d9: mov ecx,r15d
0.00 : 3dc: sub ecx,r11d
0.00 : 3df: cmp ecx,0x100
0.00 : 3e5: jle 446 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x3c6>
0.00 : 3e7: mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x64],r11d
0.00 : 3eb: movsxd rcx,r11d
0.00 : 3ee: add rcx,rsi
0.00 : 3f1: mov rsi,rbx
0.00 : 3f4: mov rdi,r10
0.00 : 3f7: mov r9,rax
0.00 : 3fa: mov edx,0x10
0.00 : 3ff: mov r8d,0x4
0.00 : 405: call QWORD PTR [rip+0x1206ad] # 120ab8 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x120a38>
0.00 : 40b: mov r12d,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x64]
0.00 : 40f: add r12d,0x100
0.00 : 416: mov eax,r15d
0.00 : 419: sub eax,r12d
0.00 : 41c: cmp eax,0x100
0.00 : 421: mov r11d,r12d
0.00 : 424: mov rax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x38]
0.00 : 428: mov rsi,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x58]
0.00 : 42c: mov r10,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x48]
0.00 : 430: jg 3e7 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x367>
0.00 : 432: lea eax,[r11-0x40]
0.00 : 436: mov ecx,eax
0.00 : 438: add rcx,0x40
0.00 : 43c: mov edx,r15d
0.00 : 43f: cmp rcx,rdx
0.00 : 442: jbe 44e <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x3ce>
0.00 : 444: jmp 46e <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x3ee>
0.00 : 446: mov eax,r11d
0.00 : 449: jmp 328 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x2a8>
0.00 : 44e: mov eax,eax
0.00 : 450: add rax,r14
0.00 : 453: lea rcx,[r13+0xc0]
0.00 : 45a: vmovdqu32 zmm0,ZMMWORD PTR [rax]
0.00 : 460: vmovdqu32 ZMMWORD PTR [rcx],zmm0
0.00 : 466: mov eax,r11d
0.00 : 469: jmp 328 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0x2a8>
0.00 : 46e: call QWORD PTR [rip+0xffffffffff6c1d24] # ffffffffff6c2198 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0xffffffffff6c2118>
0.00 : 474: int3
0.00 : 475: mov edx,r12d
0.00 : 478: add rdi,rdx
0.00 : 47b: mov edx,r15d
0.00 : 47e: mov rsi,r14
0.00 : 481: call QWORD PTR [rip+0xffffffffff379381] # ffffffffff379808 <void [System.IO.Hashing] System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared::Append(valuetype System.IO.Hashing.XxHashShared/State&,valuetype [System.Runtime]System.ReadOnlySpan`1<uint8>)[OptimizedTier1]+0xffffffffff379788>
0.00 : 487: add rbx,0x18
0.00 : 48b: add DWORD PTR [rbx],r15d
0.00 : 48e: vzeroupper
0.00 : 491: add rsp,0x68
0.00 : 495: pop rbx
0.00 : 496: pop r12
0.00 : 498: pop r13
0.00 : 49a: pop r14
0.00 : 49c: pop r15
0.00 : 49e: pop rbp
0.00 : 49f: ret
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